Friday, January 18, 2013

It's the Good Stuff...

Rarely do we refer to our real estate inventory as "stuff" but the statement seems to be coming up more and more these days, that "the good stuff is selling".  First, let's qualify "good stuff".  This term means properties that are priced competitively and are compelling.  Sellers that are realistic about the market, in spite of reports that indicate rising prices, more buyers, etc.  Yes, all of those reports are true but are based on nationwide trends, not local markets and they are looking at year over year or month over month.  You need to be aware of how these reports are spun.  The term also includes sellers that know how to present their home in the best light possible.  De-personalized, clean, well-maintained, appropriately landscaped, flattering lighting/decor and staged to sell are no longer suggestions or options, they are must-dos! 
We have a glut of inventory but a shortage of good inventory.  I have been out for the past three days looking for a well priced home that is in good shape and meets the buyers' criteria. Out of hundreds found on the Internet, 20-30 actually toured in person;  these buyers only found three that they would even consider!  That is unbelievable!  Two of three have multiple offers going into the weekend, thus further proving the limited supply of quality inventory.
If you are a seller considering putting your home on the market give me a call or shoot me an email to discuss what it is that can make your home competitive and compelling so that you can sell your home in 2013. 
If you are a buyer looking for a home on your own and are having a difficult time navigating the conflicting and confusing information, call me or email me, and let's chat about a plan that can make sense of it all and can further guide you through the process of owning a home that fits your needs, preferences and pocketbook.

Happy House Hunting! Talk to you soon!


Any of you that have lived in the South for any amount of time, know that snow or the mere mention of the possibility of snow can shut down commerce and schools quicker than a Baptist disappears at the beer aisle. (Simmer down Baptist friends, there's jokes about Methodists too)  We just don't see a whole lot of snow here and when we do, we stop to enjoy it.  We also have those Yankees fooled.  Sure we tell them we can't drive in it, that we must stay home with the kids because they're out of school and we raid the grocery stores under the guise of needing bread and milk, but that, my friends is a hoax. 

First the driving. You're talking about a culture that prides itself on racin', muddin', pullin', draggin', plowin', tillin' and raisin' pure heck with just about anything that has a engine.  Yea, we could drive it, IF we wanted to.  But we don't.

It's tough to find a sitter for those kids when all of our friends and family are in on the secret.  When school's out, IF you can pull it off, you're out.  Yes, we could take them to the Y or our momma's house.  But we like the snow too!  We like to take a day to see our youngins bundle up with bread bags on their feet fitted with celery rubber bands (I've lost some of you at this point), coming in from the *wet* cold beggin' for instant hot chocolate and fried bologna sandwiches.  We like to make a real wood fire during the day, catch up on our soaps and not take a shower until late afternoon.  We know this snow phenomenon doesn't happen often and our kids are only young once.

Everyone needs milk to make snow cream. Period. End of story.  Bread? See above. The run to the grocery is really for luxury items, such as  beer, the ingredients for chili, instant hot chocolate, cookie dough, sausage for breakfast and all of those other grocery items that we only allow ourselves to splurge on when the weather's poor.  Silly Yankee, we know we aren't going to really be snowed in beyond being able to feed ourselves.  We put up canned goods all summer, froze veggies for stews and cassaroles and could still drive if an emergency warranted us to do so (see above). We just need an excuse to break bad on the calorie count!

Well, now, you're in on our little secret.  We hope that you too will slow down and "snow down" with us.  Enjoy God's great gift of peace and his reminder that sometimes we just need to take a small break.  After all, you are now living in God's country...Welcome to North Carolina!