Thursday, September 17, 2020

Few updates...

 --New #BCA team pic in this newsletter header...hope you like it! 

--Real estate and transportation - what do they have to do with one another!?  Recently, I was honored to have been asked to help roll-out a new report on how to modernize the way North Carolina generates revenue for our transportation network.  This issue is very important to real estate and as the report shows, there are huge benefits to business growth, job growth and economic development growth within one mile of a road project in North Carolina's communities.  Greater quality of life, improved property values, strong connectivity are all a benefit to you.  Here is a Business North Carolina article on the issue, the report and the rollout. 

--With that, I've been asked to Chair a statewide effort to lead a broad-based coalition to modernize and diversify North Carolina’s transportation funding structure to improve our quality of life and meet the demands of a growing state in an increasingly competitive business environment.   If you'd like to partner with our growing coalition, you can learn more, review the report and join us by clicking here.  Your support would be most appreciated!  Real estate and growing communities are highly dependent upon a strong transportation network - we had an issue just this week on a property that we are working through simply because of the lack of funding.  Time to modernize.  What do you think?  Would welcome your insights and engagement.  

--Last month we showcased this in our e-letter.  It was very popular, so I wanted to add it again as a benefit to you.  This is a neat tool that we have - home inventories are down & prices are going up, up, up. Do you want to know your home’s value? It is always an important number to keep track of! This is a pretty awesome little tool that we offer. You can check out what a or your home is worth quickly, without obligation and in an non-intrusive way. Just type in the address!  #WhyWait, it is always great to keep up with values.

--Here is an updated report from Greater Winston-Salem Inc. "offering insights into the community's economic development efforts, data on employment and COVID-19 and more."  They did a nice job with it.

--There is a law in North Carolina that we have to comply with as agents and because we take it very seriously, we thought we'd put a short (minute-long) video together explaining it a little.  A lot of times it scares people, but it shouldn't.  Wanted to share as it is important to consider.

--For all of you who are heroically having to educate your children from is an article on "e-learning spaces" and some great ideas.

--Don't miss out on Korner's Folly's 10th Annual Oktoberfest!  This year will be a little different but still a blast!  Check out the innovative way to keep the fun going and make sure to register today!