We all know that sometimes love hits us at the most unexpected times. Whether you are falling in love with a new dessert, a new cashmere sweater or the kid who sat beside of you in English; you know that love can create havoc and lead to irrational decision-making. The same type of experience can take place when you purchase a home. That is why it is so important to have a trusted advisor at your side, so that the dreamy feelings of love don't interfere with the rational process of making a solid investment.
There are many reasons to love a home. The location that tucks you back in the privacy of the wooded cul de sac lot among the autumn leaves or even the slight smell of the wood burning fireplace that reminds you of your childhood. You can love the thought of cooking in the kitchen and seeing the kids nestled up the bar doing their homework while you cook dinner or you can love that your beloved puppy will finally have a place of his own. Those feelings and notions can overshadow your ability to look rationally at a variety of factors, such as price per square foot of surrounding similar homes or the fact that there is a major roadway being built close by.
It takes an experienced Realtor, familiar with the area you are looking in to make sure that your decision to fall in "love" is tempered with facts and outside resources to consider. You may decide that much like that first high school crush, you don't want to be committed to listening to the band practice every night. These things are important for your long term satisfaction with the home and with the potential for resale. Talk to a local, seasoned Realtor who is not intimidated to be direct with you and give you the tools you need to not only "fall" in love but to "stay" in love.
Happy Friday Y'all!