Moving is stressful. There's a lot of emotion, anxiety, uncertainty, etc. throughout the process regardless of if you're buying, selling, or both. For most people it's something we don't do often so we don't have a lot of familiarity with the ins and outs of everything that goes into the process. You don't just throw a For Sale sign in the yard, have an Open House, and that's it. You need a professional to help you navigate everything. I considered selling my home myself because I didn't want to pay a realtor to do it. My thinking was that it was a sellers market and that the house would sell itself. But ultimately I decided to utilize a realtor and in hindsight I'm glad that I did. Brooke Cashion was my realtor and it's actually hard to describe how important she's been. Throughout the sale of one home and the purchase of the next home she's been there making everything happen. She and her team are Professionals. Brooke will be honest and realistic with you. She won't just tell you what you want to hear. In the end decisions will always be yours but she will make sure you are fully informed and have all the information from all angles even when you may not want to hear some of it. She just makes everything happen. She'll answer all of your questions, even the dumb ones, even when you've asked already and it's been answered already. She understands that her clients may not be versed in this world and she takes the time to explain things. She's proactive and stays ahead of the issues. She communicates and she is available whenever you need her. She will do that extra thing that needs doing that may not be standard. One example of this was that we weren't getting a response from a party involved in my deal and instead of just waiting for a reply Brooke physically went to that entities location and got the information we needed. We sold for tens of thousands more than asking price and we bought for tens of thousands below asking price. I know those are the important things to everyone, including me. But there's so much that goes into making that happen. I would highly recommend Brooke and her team to make those things happen.
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
Always nice to receive such kind words!
Thursday, April 22, 2021
Monday, March 22, 2021
Check out these stats!
The Triad real estate market is not unlike other areas of the state and the nation. We are also experiencing an inventory challenge. However, there are many buyers searching from that perfect place and mortgage rates are still low, albeit we are seeing slight increases. Below is the most recent data from the Triad MLS. As you can see, the market is very strong right now. If you'd like more detailed information please do not hesitate to ask.
February 2021 - (Median) Triad MLS
-Median Sales Price - $200,000 - this is down from a high median sales price in August 2020 of $212,500 and will be interesting to see how this changes after this spring and summer marketplace.
-Closed transactions - 20% increase YoY
-Current Days on Market - 6 - this depends on price ranges. For example, over $700,000 might take a little longer than $175,000-$350,000 where we are seeing less than 24 hours with multiple offers.
-List Price to Sales Price - 100% - we've been at 100% since July 2020. In a lot of the cases, we are seeing over asking price and very high due diligences. For example, we have heard about a $50,000 DD check on a $250,000 house. Now this is NOT the norm and is an anomaly but the point is we can help structure a strategy for success.
Buyers can still find the right property for them. We have been very successful in using our network to connect the dots and generate options for people. There have been challenging real estate markets in the past so put our experiences to work!
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Gas Tax, Property Taxes and Isn't $8.6 Billion a Lot of Money!?!
Happy New Year! We hope 2021 is off to a great start for you and yours. Thank you for your support, your confidence and trust in us during 2020! We had the pleasure to work with scores and scores of clients in the Triad and because of them, hundreds jobs were saved or created. BCA transacted on $30,000,000 worth of real estate in the Triad in 2020 and we are so thankful for that. However, we still have a lot of buyers who are actively searching for real estate. If you know of anyone that is thinking about selling, will you connect us? In advance, we thank you. We are prayerful and hopeful for a healthy, prosperous and bright 2021 for you and yours. Below is some information we thought you might be interested in - lots of activity in the Triad!
We are excited to announce that #BCA recently added a new teammate! Kaitlyn Tedder is a lifelong Triad resident who has extensive experience in customer service. She is smart, positive and focused and is going to be a great addition to our business but most importantly, she will be a tremendous benefit to her clients. "We are thrilled to welcome Kaitlyn to the team. Her passion for people and the industry is already evident and we look forward to her being an integral part of the real estate profession where she will represent her clients and Brooke Cashion and Associates-Allen Tate very well." says Brooke Cashion. You can read more about Kaitlyn on our website.

--The North Carolina General Assembly convenes today for its two year session. We at BCA work closely with the government affairs teams with the NC Realtors and the NC Chamber. We wish those NC House and NC Senate members well and best of luck doing the people's work. We thank them for their service to the state and their communities.
--Have you seen this? 50% increase? We are starting to receive questions about what to do if your property reevaluations have increased and you think it's too high. We are happy to discuss options...don't hesitate to ask!
--Tired of the gas tax? As previously mentioned, Jake has the honor of chairing a coalition the NC Chamber is leading called Destination 2030: The Road to a Stronger Transportation Future. They are working to modernize the way the state funds our transportation network as the motor fuel tax, the main generator of transportation revenue, is quickly becoming an unreliable source to meet the safety, maintenance and new construction needs of our fast growing state. This issue is about safety, security and economic prosperity.
Two years ago, NCDOT created the NC FIRST Commission whose job was to come up with ideas on how to transition away from the motor fuels tax and move towards greater diversification. Last Friday, their report was made public and it includes a lot of new funding options. There is buzz in Raleigh about how to make the necessary changes and the debate is in it's early stages. But thankfully our elected leaders know that we need to modernize and we are encouraged by their willingness to act boldly. Learn more here and join us! A diverse group of organizations are working together and we're appreciative of the NC Realtors, the NC Chamber, NC-CCIM(commercial real estate practitioners) , NC Economic Development Association, many chambers of commerce from around the state, including BCA's chamber, Greater Winston-Salem. Many other groups are also highly engaged with us in this discussion and working towards solutions. We've added a chart below which helps outline some of the challenges and welcome your feedback on this important discussion.
--Speaking of the transportation network...did you hear the good news about the Piedmont Triad International Airport and Smith Reynolds Airport? $8.6 BILLION is a lot of money!
--Fantastic news...glad to see this new restaurant moving into Winston-Salem!
--Searching for ideas on winter curb appeal? Check out these few!
--Home prices rose in 2020 - there are lots of buyers in the marketplace. In addition, the supply of homes on the market is at record lows. So if you are subject to a property revaluation and potential property tax increase, this is part of the reason. However, as noted above, you can appeal. Don't hesitate to ask us how!
-Here is an excellent review of manufacturing in NC. A local Triad company, Thomas Built Buses, is highlighted as the winner in a recent contest called the "Coolest Things Made in NC". As manufacturing goes, so does a community. We appreciate those manufacturers who take risk, create jobs and make things - there are some great products with a "Made in NC" tag! Manufacturers in NC are the backbone of communities and so important to real estate and your property vales - check it out.
Chart: Usage/Growth/Needs Climbing Fast....Ability to Maintain and Add Capacity Decreasing Faster

Thursday, December 10, 2020
Check out the pics from 1986!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We hope you and yours are staying healthy and well. We wanted to pass along some recent info that you may or may not have seen - thought you might be interested in some of these - North Carolina and our Triad region are in a great position to capture some of this growth. Have a great rest of your December and hears to 2021!
-Is a home a rooftop or an investment? According to the National Association of Realtors, "83% of homebuyers view a home purchase as a “good financial investment,” according to the “2020 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers”. We agree!-Good morning NC! It's a new day! Check out this new statewide commercial from the Economic Development Partnership of NC...
-Have you been by the Piedmont Triad International Airport recently? While Covid has slowed down passenger air, it hasn't slowed down one's an update!
-There has been formed by the NC Chamber - called Destination 2030-The Road to a Stronger Transportation Future. This group's mission is to work to modernize the way we fund NC's transportation network. NCDOT is also working on this via a commission they formed called the NC FIRST Commission. Their new funding recommendations will be submitted to the NC General Assembly in January. This issue is going to be very challenging but it is one that is needed. SAS, a world-renowned data company based in Cary, NC, created a fantastic new tool for the NC FIRST Commission, called CRAFTS which allows citizens to play around with different funding modes and see what type of revenue is or is not generated and then share the ones they like the best. This is a very important issue for real estate and economic development as the transportation network is one of the top three things companies look to when deciding on a location. Also, it's important for road safety, reliable commerce, getting kids safely to schools and getting in and out of your neighborhood in a safe and secure manner. Take a look at CRAFTS.
-Here is some great news from the National Association of REALTORS Chief Economist, Lawrence Yun:

-Will you support the #TriadTogether Challenge?
--Finally, check this out this pic. A friend and colleague dropped these periodicals off recently. Yes, they are magazines about Winston-Salem from 1986! Does anyone remember them? Let me know if you have any stories about them.

Thursday, November 05, 2020
Now that's a big ship!
--Did you hear this great news amongst all of the Covid and election hysteria? North Carolina ranks #1....2020
--Winston-Salem makes another national list...debuts for the first time ever! One of the...--Recently the Piedmont Triad Partnership held its annual "State of the Region". I enjoyed representing #BCA for this meeting. There was some great information, data, economic development opportunities and other discussions. There is a ton of data and information about our region in this presentation that was given but my biggest take away is how well we are positioned against competitor regions like Charleston, SC, Greenville, SC, Richmond, VA, Chattanooga, TN, Huntsville, AL, and Savannah, GA among others. Our region is outperforming them and likely to continue which means continued jobs, business and population growth, all of which bode well for the real estate industry and your property values. Great news for the Triad!
--The aforementioned report about our Triad region also shares data on how Covid has changed society and working from home is now a must. This is an interesting discussion and could have serious consequences to commercial real estate. But do companies only want their employees to work from home or will we see a hybrid model? How many years will this trend last? Are at-home office spaces are important in a real estate sell? If you are wondering how to leverage your home office or create one for improvement marketability and turn it into money, here are some tips on doing just that! They are becoming a very big trend for sure.
--Last month we showcased this in our e-letter. It was very popular, so I wanted to add it again as a benefit to you. This is a neat tool that we have - home inventories are down & prices are going up, up, up. Do you want to know your home’s value? It is always an important number to keep track of! This is a pretty awesome little tool that we offer. You can check out what a or your home is worth quickly, without obligation and in a non-intrusive way. Just type in the address! #WhyWait, it is always great to keep up with values.
--This is a very accurate article. We agree with the sentiments in the report. Also, the pics were taken at one of our listings in High Point of Marco Mendez of MM Triad Photography. He does a great job and has a fantastic life story. We appreciate Marco's work.
--We were proud to have been one of the few 2020 million dollar sales in the Triad in 2020 - featured in this article. We greatly appreciate our clients and their trust and confidence in us to get their property sold.
--Check this out ... this pic is of the Yang Ming Warranty - one of the largest container ships on the globe. It made its first port-of-call to the NC State Ports in Wilmington at the end of October - it is the largest ship ever to visit the ports. This is very important development for the Triad area and our ability to continue to grow. Congrats to the NC State Ports for their work.