I spent a fraction of my time this afternoon writing a hardship letter, from an agent perspective, for a client of mine. Per her request, I outlined her needs, her challenges and options as it relates to her current home and the Northern Winston-Salem Beltway corridor. As I was developing my thought process, I realized that even though many of us receive snippets of information via the local news media, that I am sure that there are still some lingering questions as to where this project currently stands and how things look moving forward. I am not attempting to answer any and all questions but simply to provide you with a synopsis for your digestion and to direct you to links and individuals that may get your specific questions answered--or leave you more confused. :)
As of end of August the DOT held public meetings to gain comment and input from affected citizens. This information is being used to provide more detailed information to the property owners and to planning departments in Winston-Salem and Forsyth county. Per the DOT, efforts are being made to improve communication with property owners by moving forward on some of the following items:
1-NCDOT plans on writing each property owner within the protected corridor to inform them of proper procedures to follow when requesting improvements to property in the corridor. Information on corridor policy protection should now be on their website.
2-NCDOT plans on addressing distressed property that has already been purchased, is being rented or is vacant within the corridor. Requests can be submitted via City-County planning or through DOT. All reasonable requests will be supported to maintain the quality of life in affected areas.
3-Review of DOT rental agreements is currently underway, making sure that properties are kept in proper condition and comply with subdivision covenants. Enforcements of these requirements are ongoing.
4-Properties that have previously submitted a hardship letter for advance acquisition which was not approved will be reviewed. New letters will be sent advising of status and to provide contact information if they have additional questions and concerns.
5-The major issue moving forward is simply put, funding.
The website has been updated and can be accessed at www.ncdot.gov/projects/wsnb
All questions concerning Right of Way hardship acquisitions, corridor protection, property improvement or leased properties questions can be directed to Division Right of Way agent Rodney Hatton at 336-760-8737.
If you would like to talk to me about your options, need opinions of current market value or would like to begin looking for new property because of a successful buyout or a pending buyout, please contact me via email brooke.cashion@allentate.com or call me at 336.817.3598
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