Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Revisions to 90 Flip-Give and TAKE!!

As our mortgage broker at our office said, what the government giveth, the banks taketh away.

Apparently, someone at the bank didn't think that the 90 flip rule should be shared with regular Joe homeowner, only the banks should be allowed to move their inventory. Hence, we end up today with joint decision-making between some of the big banks like Wells Fargo, B of A, Chase, etc.) who determined that this will no longer pertain to individual sellers. And of course, these cats hold the purse strings because as FHA lenders, they determine who gets a loan and what those terms will be!

*Exemption was extended through 12-31-11. However, the investor decision is that this does not pertain to individuals who have purchased and are reselling a home within 90 days. This DOES include HUD REO's, Sales by Federal Agencies or federally chartered institutions and GSE's and approved non-profits.

*There are still overlays to the above approved purchases which usually means that these banks/investors will not purchase a property that has increased in value more than 20% or acquired within the last 90 days.

*In addition, if a property is being turned over between 91 and 180 days and the sales price is
100% or more over the price paid by the seller, a 2nd appraisal is required but at no additional charge to the borrower.

This all says to me, the layman, that once again, what is good for the government is not for us to use. Saving all the good stuff for themselves and leaving taxpayers to hold the bag! Sorry, but keep in mind, some of these distressed properties are still a great deal and deserve a once over!


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