Monday, November 19, 2012

What does it take?

If any of you regularly follow my blog, then you know that last week, we talked about how the community of Kernersville was WINNING and WINNING BIG!  After the Chamber awards banquet and the "medalists" that were honored during this event, it was easy to see why Kernersville has made the best of it's assets and continues to succeed.  All of you know that success is not possible without leadership.  It was intentional that I waited to write about the BIG WINNER of the night, the award for Citizen of the Year.  This award is the highest honor that the Chamber bestows on a citizen of the town of Kernersville.  In years past in ranges from business leaders, education leaders, spiritual leaders and elected officials, but this year all categories were represented.

This year's Citizen of the Year, I happen to know very well.  After serving with this individual four years on the Board of Aldermen, having children at the same school where she was PTA President and very active in the advocacy of the students and parents, and having children in the same sporting organizations; it was easy for me to see why Dana Caudill-Jones was awarded Citizen of the Year.

Dana and I originally met at Cash Elementary when our children entered school, but it was a quick, surface introduction.  Shortly after that, I decided to run for Alderman and Dana and I were both elected and served together for the next four years.  During that time we got to know each other very well.  It's tough to spend hours on end in meetings and events and not learn a little or a lot about your fellow board members.  Agree or disagree, I could see that Dana had a passion for her hometown that touched everything that she involved herself in.  We could be deeply in a disagreement and both bring up stories about our grandmothers' lives in Kernersville, these ladies were major influences in our lives and we enjoyed sharing these histories.  We constantly talked about similar Kernersville experiences that we had, those that enriched our lives and those of our families.  Again, regardless as to what side of an issue we were on, there was no doubt that Kernersville's well-being was at the root of it.  It's easy to see that Dana makes time for her family, especially her son.  Even with a demanding schedule she is quick to carve out time for the important things in life like her church and her family.

As her mom, dad and son, stood in the "wings' the night of the banquet waiting for the big announcement, it was clear that when she saw her family in attendance that it would move her more than the award itself.  And it did.  You just can't call those kind of emotions up at whim.

To Dana:  Thanks for all that you do for the community and for being an inspiration to other women who juggle being a mom, a wife, a daughter, a spiritual leader, a community leader, an educational leader and simply a leader.  It can be done and you truly embody that spirit and the spirit of the award as Citizen of the Year. Congratulations!


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