Monday, January 22, 2018

What is One Strange Way to Close the Deal?

As we have mentioned in the recent past on this blog, buyers are in the market place, interest rates are slowly increasing and inventory is still very tight.  The Triad MLS reports for December shows that on December 31, 2017, there were 5326 homes on the market in the entire Piedmont-Triad area of NC.  There is a three month supply - the lowest supply level in at least 12 years, if not longer.  As well, the percentage of sales price to list price is 98.3% which means sellers are receiving near asking price for their homes.

We have been in tight times before and we have always worked to think through different strategies to help both our buyer and seller clients.  For example, in the thousands of homes we have sold over the years, on several occasions we have asked our clients to write letters about the home - what they love about their home or why they love the home they want to purchase - and guess what...IT WORKS!  

Recently, the Wall Street Journal had a report about writing letters and how it improves the buyers opportunity for success while in multiple offer situations even if their offer is not the highest.  This strategy per the article shows the buyer is serious and improves confidence with the seller.  As well, and probably as important, it shows that there is a real-life person behind the offer.  

This strategy is one that can work as it has for us multiple times.  In times like this, you need to set yourself apart and this is one way to do that.

As always, we are happy to help!

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