Monday, February 05, 2018

Go ahead - showcase the wine!

“Wine can of their wits the wise beguile, Make the sage frolic, and the serious smile” 
― Homer

Have you ever gone to a winery and really loved that Carneros Pinot Noir that you were tasting?  Do you remember thinking to yourself, "I really want to buy this bottle or two and keep it for a special occasion, however, I do not have a good place to store it."  Do you have a lot of wine bottles stored and want to show them off or use as decorations?  Ever thought about how wine needs to be stored?

Here is a pretty cool idea - why not build a wine cellar/storage in your own home!

In the Houzz article, 7 Steps to Create a Connoisseur's Wine Cellar, you can get a few good ideas about how to start a wine cellar in your own home.  The following seven steps serve as a couple good ideas to think about and consider should you want to create you own wine cellar/storage area:
-Size of Space
-How to Keep the Wine Cool
-Door/Entry Style

So go for it!  Make you own home a home for great wine!

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