Tuesday, February 23, 2010

When Details Matter...

I had lunch today with a former client and a dear friend of mine who is considering a career in real estate. I look forward to continuing our conversation as she works step by step to obtain her real estate license and moves into the position of "trusted advisor" and Realtor.

As we were discussing opportunity and risk, the conversation took an interesting turn as she was filling me in on details of a friend of hers that is in the market for a home. She gave me their information and let me know that they would be contacting me in order to start the home-buying process. We would work in this fashion until she obtains her license and is able to help them if they haven't found the "perfect house" by that time.

She started talking about why she told them that they should work with me, and I have to admit I have never seen it from the outside in quite like she was discribing. Keep in mind this person had just sold and bought a home with me this year, wants to work with our group of associates and is now referring me a friend! Wow! My ego was really getting inflated! The points she made regarding my service and what I could offer her friends buying a home were these...

*Anticipation of problems before they arise "nipping it in the bud" , "worst case scenario" and then "most likely case scenario".

*Taking time to find the right house for a buyer...because of my experience and established clientele, having the patience and resources to spend the necessary time finding a home that works, rather than "pushing" someone into something that doesn't.

*Understanding the marketplace...what it means to understand home values, future development and growth areas and what homes meet varying and ever-changing governmental guidelines.

*Team of Experts...working with the right partners in lending, inspections, attorneys to make the deal go smoothly and knowing that everyone working on the deal is working together to get the job done right the first time!

*Having a system to take care of the details...I admit...I am a little OCD when it comes to my system of business practice...everything is filed, categorized and noted so that we can refer back to previous conversations, provide documentation and make sure that your interests are taken care of...

All of this works to make my clients' real estate experience the best it can be and I love her for taking the time to tell me WHY she trusts my advice! So on that note, I'll refer back to one of my previous marketing mantras and thank my friend for helping me to revive...


Happy House Hunting!


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