Thursday, December 21, 2017

Thank you...

Thank you to all who participated in the "12 Days of Small Business" Campaign - it was a great success.  We believe that connecting others is very important.   Of the main ways that small businesses are able to grow, word-of-mouth, social media and referrals rank as some of the most important.  Our hope at this time of year is that you will consider helping each of these and other great small businesses, which is not only good for them and the overall economy but also you, as you will have many great new items and hopefully new friends!

We especially want to thank those small businesses who were so kind to donate special gifts for the gift basket.  Someone really is going to win some cool items and opportunities.  We want to share with you the final list of small businesses who helped with this - the drawing will be held tonight, December 21 live on Facebook - Brooke Cashion and Associates - Allen Tate - hope you will join us!



Monday, December 11, 2017

We are moving along....

We have posted on this blog in the past about the importance of a strong transportation network for not only our state, but our region and local community.  There are a lot of projects underway around our area of the state.  A lot of this is because the taxpayers of the state said it was ok to spend more money on our network a few years ago and some funding reforms were put in place which helped generate billions of dollars.  In the Triad area, we are big winners of these reforms which means a ton of key projects are well underway and that will result in a lot of new benefits and opportunities such as jobs and economic growth and improved mobility!

Pat Ivey, NCDOT Division 9 Engineer (Forsyth, Davie, Davidson, Rowan and Stokes County) has been a long-time leader in seeing projects from start to finish in NC.  He has lead many key projects around the state and is currently working on some very big ones in our area.  We had the good fortune of interviewing Pat recently on some key projects.  He is a great man with a lot of experience and we appreciate his willingness to share some timely updates.  These are very short clips but are packed with a ton of key information on timelines, good ideas and other important information.

I-74 (Northern Beltway) - could this "drive" a potential of 30,000 jobs regionally when complete plus Kernersville is a "hotbed" of activity!

Business 40 through downtown this really going to be completely shut down?

Holy cow - traffic is terrible on Main Street in Kernersville - will this project ever be complete?

Monday, December 04, 2017

Will you participate with us - "12 Days of Small Business"?

Well it is that time of the year again - Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to YOU!  At Brooke Cashion & Associates, we love Christmas and the Holiday season, as we know many of you do as well.  It is a special time of the year and one that reminds us about the importance of serving and helping others, family & friends, as well as the most important, celebrating the birth of Jesus.

As you are aware, we have made some changes to Brooke Cashion & Associates and are working on a plan to better serve you and those who are referred to us.  One way we like to do that is by connecting others.  So we are announcing a new social media campaign and are humbly asking you to participate.

The campaign is called the "12 Days of Small Business" and it is pretty simple.  There are thousands upon thousands of small businesses in our region and we are thankful to each and everyone of them.  But we wanted to highlight 12 that we use regularly and simply feature them one day out of the 12 day campaign on our Brooke Cashion and Associates Facebook page.  We have collected from them an item(s) that we are packaging in a gift basket.  At the end of the campaign on December 21, each person that has "LIKED AND SHARED" Brooke Cashion and Associates' Facebook page at least one time during the campaign, will be entered into a drawing for the gift basket that has a value of approximately $400.  We will be drawing the winner on December 21 and will notify them as well as a post on Facebook.  We are really excited about this campaign and hope you will participate with us.

One of the main ways that small businesses grow is simply by word-of-mouth, social media and referrals.  Our hope at this time of year is that you will consider helping each of these and other businesses, which is not only good for them but the overall economy but also you, as you will have many great new items and hopefully a new friend!

Will you participate with us?

Monday, November 27, 2017

Is Your Home in a Top-Selling Zip Code?

Location, Location, Location...that is the old real estate adage we have all heard at some point.

Recently, the Triad Business Journal released their annual list of top selling zip codes in the Triad.  We are fortunate to know these zip codes very well and the market conditions that drive them.  Though important, location is not the only aspect you should investigate.  Infrastructure, (roads, gas lines, water and sewer) local taxes and benefits, understanding access to information regarding schools and the overall home and property condition are a must as well.

Take a look at the list...if we can help you better understand your market condition, we'd be happy to.

Top Selling ZIP Codes in the Triad

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Choosing to Learn and Learning to Choose

What is ONE of the biggest concerns to a parent?

As parents, we all want the best for our children, especially during the K-12 education phases of life. Education impacts everything we do and in North Carolina it is a constitutional right as a citizen to receive a public eduction.  We believe that a strong, solid education creates a strong community.

However, not all school systems are alike.  The Winston-Salem/Forsyth County School System has an interesting and innovative education model called "school of choice" or school zones.  As a matter of fact, it is the only school system in North Carolina to have this type of model.  But what does it mean and how does it impact your daily decisions such as student transportation but also your longer-term decisions such as where you live.  There is also a part of this model that helps with the county's competitive position to improve educational outcomes, quality-of-life and attract economic growth.

Now, are there questions and does it cause some consternation until completely understood, yes.  As Realtors, we get questions all the time about this model in Winston-Salem, Kernersville, Clemmons and all over Forsyth County.   So we decided to interview a key leader in the school system.  In the following short, but important clips, we bring you some answers.

The Winston-Salem/Forsyth County School Board is fortunate to have a strong Chairwoman in Dana Caudill Jones.  Chairwoman Jones has extensive leadership and an experienced background.  She is the owner of Caudill Electric in Kernersville, NC where they have a team of experts who handle electrical, security, audio/visual and automation.  It's a great company that has been around for years serving clients needs.  She served as a Town of Kernersville Alderman for years where she helped lead the city to strong growth and helped prepare if for the future.  She then saw her passion in the education areas and was voted by the citizens of Forsyth County to lead the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County School Board, where she is currently serves.  Most importantly, she is a mother of a high school senior and a wife to David.

Chairman Dana Jones can be reached at: - she's open to any and all questions or comments.

While only a couple minutes these clips provide some good information.

Watch to see what has 100% graduation rates!

What is school of choice and why does it matter?

What is on the horizon that parents need to pay attention to?

Wednesday, November 01, 2017

Urban Agricultural-Is it for you?

When we think of the "city-life", we do not normally think about growing food or having an edible landscape or housing farm animals.  However, many people like to grow their own food.  It's healthy,  can be relaxing, helps save money, promotes a stronger eco-system, promotes sustainability and if you do so with kids, it helps to educate.  You are seeing more and more small chicken coops in and around the area as well and that leads to questions about government regulations.  

Every now and then we get questions about "urban farming" and live agriculture.  Therefore, we thought we'd put this together as information for how to get started and what sort of government requirements in Winston-Salem there may or may not be.  Here is a great tool from the City of Winston-Salem that discusses urban agriculture and what requirements there may be, particularly as it relates to live animals.

We hope that you do make an effort to try your hand at urban-farming if you live in the city or at least grow a tomato plant.  (there's nothing like German Johnson tomato sandwich on white bread with salt, pepper and mayo in the summer!) While we are heading into winter, there is soil to prep so there is always something to do.   Go out there and get started today - you'll be glad you did!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

The State of the Triad Region...

Today, the Piedmont Triad Partnership, our regional economic development organization and the Triad Business Journal held the State of the Region address at Elon University and to celebrate a few of the Triad's "Power Players".  This event an overview of the local economy, where we currently are as a region and the cities that make up the region, such as Winston-Salem, Greensboro, Kernersville, High Point and others.  It was a good report, but like anything else, there is always work to do. Ted Abernathy with Economic Leadership and a friend, gave a great economic report.

A few key takeaways for us include the following:

  • the region is poised for growth, particularly manufacturing such as aerospac
  • strong infrastructure such as highway connectivity, railroads, airport & an inland port
  • strong leadership - what are called "tribal leaders"
  • local economic development organizations that are working together
  • NC's housing prices and the Triad's as a whole are outpacing the national average
  • Jobs, wages and GDP are leaders in the nation

The key takeaway for the next number of years and will directly impact our ability to compete, grow and sustain will be our workforce and talent supply.  Places like High Point Andrews have put in place efforts like the Aviation Academy which directly helps trains students for work with great Triad companies, like HAECO - which operates globally.  The NC Chamber is also leading an effort statewide called NC Certified Work Ready Communities which basically tells manufacturers that your region is open for business with a well-trained workforce.

We commend the Piedmont Triad Partnership and the Triad Business Journal for their program today.  It was well worth the time and we would encourage you to go to others.  We've added some pics below for your review.  Happy to discuss in more detail!

From 16% to 36% in four years....!

We live in an ever-changing world.  Technology is changing everyday.  Heck, by the time we get used to one device or piece of technology it is already obsolete.  

Our homes are also becoming autonomous.  In this article, "The Future of Homes: from Smart to Autonomous", the author tells us that "the end of 2017, it’s estimated that only 16.3% of Americans will live in a smart home, though this percentage will increase to 35.6% by 2021."  I suspect the percentage will only increase as the years go by.

I'd be interested in your feedback.  Take a look at this infographic and give me your you want to live in a fully autonomous home?  Do you have smart devices in your current home?  Where do you see things heading?

Thanks for your support.  Hope to talk soon!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Think Brooke will get clearance?

Story People by Brian Andreas

I just love StoryPeople by Brian Andreas.  Every time I see his work, it brings a smile to my face so I thought I'd share a blog he did about anxiousness.  It is easy to become anxious during the real estate process...there is a lot going on and a lot that you probably feel burdened with I'm sure.  But take comfort that there are expert professionals out there to help you and will help mitigate the anxiousness and maximize the excitement!

I thought this piece by him helps put things into perspective just a little...No Reason to be Anxious...

Thanks - enjoy the day and the real estate process!

Monday, October 23, 2017

College and Real Estate...How to Tackle the Tough Questions...

If you are like us, you are thinking about college and those next steps in your kids' life.  What also comes to mind is how to pay for it.  There are many different strategies to pay for college and different people do it in different ways.  The following is a good summary about how to tackle the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and what to do as it relates to you real estate.  As a caveat, it would be a good idea before embarking upon any of these suggestions to simply speak with a tax expert as it relates to your personal situation.

"Getting ready to fill out the dreaded Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)? It's the form that strikes fear in parents of college students and college students-to-be who have been cautioned about the tedious process involved, and the disappointing results. And while there is a ton of advice out there about how to properly prepare, what you need, and what to expect, there's another layer of concern for homeowners and homebuyers: How does the FAFSA affect you if you're in the market, already own a home, have investment property, or are thinking about refinancing?..." The FAFSA And Real Estate: When To Buy And Refi To Get The Most Aid For College

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

What is one of the largest economic events in NC each year?

The High Point Market is in high gear this week.  This is one of the largest economic events in North Carolina each year and has been for a number of years.

In 2013, Duke University conducted an economic study on the furniture market...from the report, the authors said:

"Overall, this report indicates that the High Point Market has a significant economic and fiscal impact on the 30 county study region of North Carolina and south central Virginia. Overall, the Market generates over $5.39 billion in total economic output across all types of activities modeled here, including visitor spending, direct HPMA budget, vendor spending, sales of furnishings and rental income. The Market supports a total of 37,616 jobs across all the industry sectors stimulated. Of the total of 21,461 direct jobs created by Market related activities, the largest share accrues to manufacturing and related sectors (i.e. distribution, accessories). These are jobs supported due to sales of furniture and related accessories that can be directly tied to transactions made at the Market."
To celebrate the furniture market, we ran across this article...Tips for Decorating Rooms That Are Long and Narrow - it has some good ideas that we get questions regularly about.

Here is some more information concerning the High Point Furniture Market - it is an impressive event twice per year.

We get a lot of questions about interior design..happy to share with you folks we know who are really good at it if you have interest.


Friday, October 13, 2017

"Everything you wanted to know about closing cost"

When we put a property under contract, we often receive questions about closing cost.  This article gives a good summary so we thought we'd share as well.  Let us know if you want to dive deeper!  
"When you’re buying a home there’s tons of new terms and processes you’ll be learning as you go, so it’s likely that upon hearing your Realtor utter the words “closing costs” for the first time, they went in one ear and out the other. And if that’s the case, don’t feel bad; suffice it to say, you’re not alone— a survey released last week found that over half of all first-time home buyers were surprised by the closing costs required to close on their soon-to-be home. Keep reading and you won’t be able to claim ignorance the next time these words find their way into a conversation. 
Closing costs: Explained
I won’t waste any time beating around the bush here— closing costs range anywhere from 2-5% of your home’s total purchase price. For a home priced at $250,000, you could be on the line for $5,000 to $12,500, come closing time. Ouuuch. Double ouch if you had no idea closing costs existed.
Here are some examples of the most common items that make up your closing costs:
Title fees – Title fees cover a title search fee and title insurance fee, to guarantee that the property has a clear title with no liens or issues and that the title can be transferred from the seller to the buyer. Title fees also include recording the deed at the courthouse and notary fees.
Attorney fees – Attorney fees include the attorney’s time and expertise to review closing documents and oversee the closing process.
Pre-paids and escrow – This includes pro-rated property taxes and homeowner insurance premiums to insure there are no gaps in coverage. This may also include pro-rated mortgage interest to cover the gap between when you close and when you make your first mortgage payment, as well as an initial deposit of funds (escrow) for any tax or insurance bills that will need to be paid by your lender soon after closing.
Mortgage insurance – Certain loan programs (usually those that allow a down payment of less than 20 percent) require private mortgage insurance (PMI). This provides protection for the lender in the event you would foreclose on the property.
Lender fees – These are fees paid to your lender and include loan origination fees, application fee, processing fee, credit report fee and any discount points you want to pay to get a lower interest rate.
Property-related fees – Appraisal and inspection fees are included in this category, and are generally paid directly outside of closing. You may also need a survey to confirm property lines, and specialized inspections (termite or structural) depending on property and loan type.
Other – In some cases, closing costs may include a transfer tax (foreclosure, short sale or new construction purchase), additional appraisals (home to be used as a rental property), final inspection (new construction) and specialized underwriting review (condominium purchase). 
Whew! No wonder closing costs are a chunk of change—everybody and anybody involved in the purchase of your new home gets paid when you close. To be on the safe side, go ahead and budget about 5% of the purchase price of your home towards closing costs. You’ll receive a more concrete figure of just how much you’ll need to write a check for in the form of a loan estimate document.  Then, about three days before you actually close, you’ll receive a closing disclosure statement which gives you the exact amount of closing costs. Compare this document with your loan estimate and contact your Realtor immediately if you have any questions or notice discrepancies.
Can I avoid closing costs?
As a first-time buyer, you’re on the hook for a lot of cash— the down payment, moving expenses, new furniture, and now, closing costs. So it’s no surprise that you may be wondering if you can wiggle your way out of them. Here’s your answer: Yes and no.
Yes, you may be able to get out of closing costs in a buyer’s market. Often times sellers are highly motivated to get you in their home in a high inventory, low demand market, so they’ll gladly pay your closing costs. It’s a whole different ballgame in a seller’s market though— so be prepared to pay your closing costs if you buy while demand is high and inventory is low.
You can also lump your closing costs into your loan or consider a loan with a higher interest rate that allows for your lender to issue you a credit to cover your closing fees. Talk with your lender to uncover your full list of options."

Ashley Bryant
Ashley Bryant is a writer covering all things real estate. She resides in Charlotte, NC

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Kernersville Chamber's Corks' ncandidates invite

As you may know, November 7 is Election Day in North Carolina.  There are a number of state and local races, including the Town of Kernersville.  Citizens in Kernersville will be voting for five alderman to  lead the town for the next two years.  

In 2004, I was a Town of Kernersville Alderman and served two terms.  It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience that I will always treasure.  I participated in a couple of these types events and I would highly encourage you to go and learn about the candidates, talk to them and figure out which ones have the best ideas on how to grow our local economy, protect private property rights and to lead the town through important decisions.  

For more information on Election Day and voting, please visit NC State Board of Elections - as well, if you are not registered to vote, this site can help you do that.  

Information concerning the Corks' nCandidates is below.  I hope you will make it a point to add it to your calendar and attend.  Jake, Maddie and I will be there and hope to see you as well!

Thursday, October 05, 2017

Special Thanks to My Clients for Their Role in Making the Economy Work!

Real Estate and Transportation - How Will Impact You?

All of us enjoy or dread the different modes of the transportation network across NC and the US.  We all rely upon the network in some way, shape or form...most importantly, it allows us to eat on a daily basis.

But as technology advancements continue to change our world, how will these advancements impact your property and real estate?

This week, we've seen a number of news articles concerning electric vehicles, large retail companies buying last-mile transportation and logistics companies and an overview about the future of NC's transportation network and challenges.

We thought we'd briefly summarize and share these stories with you.  They are pretty interesting and provide thought provoking ideas about what the future holds and needs.  Take a look.

We'd be interested in your feedback...

Electric Vehicles are Forcing Real Estate to Change Gears - "Analysts predict that within a few years, electric cars will cost about the same or less than their gas-powered cousins, and electric vehicle (EV) sales are expected to surge. Though range could still be an issue for some drivers, EVs do have one major advantage: you can charge them at home. No more side trips to the gas station, no more waiting in line, no more pumping gas in the rain, sleet, snow or gloom of night.
In fact, surveys show that most EV owners prefer to charge in the comfort of their own homes, where they can go about their lives while their vehicle quietly juices up.
To sweeten the pot, some states and utility companies offer tax incentives and rebates that apply to charging at home..."
Wal-Mart Buys Delivery Logistics Start-up Parcel "We plan to leverage Parcel for last mile delivery to customers in New York City – including same-day delivery – for both general merchandise as well as fresh and frozen groceries from Walmart and Jet," Wal-Mart said in a blog post.
The Future of Transportation - NCDOT Sec Jim Trogdon - At the state level, the North Carolina General Assembly is taking a deep dive into these issues as well.  The House Select Committee on Strategic Transportation Planning and Long Term Funding Solutions had a presentation this week from Sec Trogdon.  If you review the summary on slide 15, all of the technological changes will impact real estate.  

Wednesday, October 04, 2017

What Is Going On With Mortgage Markets and Can I Get a Loan?

For most people when, buying a home they will start with the mortgage loan process.  This can be a confusing, challenging and yes, sometimes a frustrating experience.  However, we do our best to mitigate the frustrations and maximize the enjoyment of the process.  

We get questions everyday relating to what mortgage rates are doing and what types of loan programs they're currently able to take advantage of to the luxury marketplace and jumbo loans.  We love getting these questions and providing you the answers to these and other questions.  Therefore, in the following posts - four short clips - we work to answer these and a few others that you will be interested in.

We want to thank Tina Shields, Allen Tate Mortgage for taking a few minutes out of her very busy day to help.    We appreciate you Tina!  

What are mortgage rates going to do?

Why is is important to talk to more than one lender?

What type of loan products are there for the luxury markets?

Could I buy a home without a huge downpayment?

Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Life Insurance...Are You Covered

"Life insurance. Yeah, your eyes glaze over and you start checking your Instagram just at the mention of it. But keep your attention here for just a few moments and I promise it won’t be painful. Life insurance is something that takes care of your loved ones, plain and simple. And that’s something we can all make a little time for, isn’t it?
And actually, according to the 2016 Insurance Barometer Study by Life Happens and LIMRA, 1 in 3 households would have immediate trouble paying living expenses if the primary wage earner died. And, the study also found that 40% of respondents had not bought life insurance or more of it because they were unsure of how much or what type to buy.
Since September [was] is also Life Insurance Awareness month, it seemed like a good time to talk to..."  Read more at A Discussion about Life Insurance.
Also, if you need ideas and suggestions on experts to speak with, we know several really good folks who would be more than delighted to help.

Monday, October 02, 2017

Square Footage Price - Why it Matters?

Good morning - we were looking at a market report and some numbers this morning from Inman-Weiss Analytics.  It is a great tool we use to better understand the marketplace, both from a national perspective and a local/micro-marktet perspective.

We pulled up the Winston-Salem MSA and its average price/square foot jumped out - currently it is around $92 and could see an increase moving into next year according to the data.  That's good news for sellers, so now would be a great time for buyers to jump into the marketplace.  But keep in mind, that this is just an average and micro-markets are different and lots of things go into this.

In this short VLOG, Brooke breaks down why it matters and how micro-markets and other factors impact the price/square foot. take a look!

Friday, September 29, 2017

Local Market Update -

Just a quick local market update - take a peek - as always, let us know if we can help!

Thursday, September 28, 2017

"Who is Returning to the Workforce?"

Great news from NCSU's Economist Mike Walden -
“....‘Who is returning to the work force?’ Mike, one of the good news items in the economy recently has been the rise in the labor force participation rate. This rate measures the share of working age individuals who either have a job or are looking for a job. Do we know who is responsible for the improvement in the labor force participation rate?”
“We do. If we look at the data, and the simple answer is women...."

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Buyers are looking...are you interested?

Buyers are looking...You interested?  As new data from the National Association of Realtors tells us, the housing market could be cooling simply because of a lack of inventory.

In this article, Inventory Woes Drain Momentum, the chief economist for the Realtors, Lawrence Yun says, “Demand continues to overwhelm supply in most of the country, and as a result, many would-be buyers from earlier in the year are still in the market for a home, while others have perhaps decided to temporarily postpone their search.” This is accurate for our area as well.  However, he continues on to say, “The good news is that nearly all of the missed closings for the remainder of the year will likely show up in 2018, with existing sales forecast to rise 6.9 percent.

Let me know if you are interested selling.  Now would be a great time and I'd be happy to discuss the pros and cons.  

Thanks - 

Brooke Cashion

@WSRAR Young Professionals Network

Take a look at the clip regarding an event we were at...great time!

Kernersville Foundation and the opiod crisis...

We appreciated the opportunity of going to the Kernersville Foundation meeting this morning on the opiod crisis that is ravaging the nation. A great panel discussion was had and really highlighted the issue in Forsyth County. It is something that must be dealt with and quickly as it can impact anyone. If you have the chance, make sure to watch WXII 12 NEWS between 4:00 and 6:00 today as Maddie was interviewed about the panel discussion. She shares her thoughts about how it impacts those in high school. (We'll post the link as soon as it goes up.)
As well, the great NC State Senator Joyce Krawiec presented a $100,000 check to the Kernersville Foundation from the state which will help many people and organizations in the area - thanks taxpayers of NC and Senator Krawiec for your service.
Finally, this was extremely impressive but a 10 year old girl presented the Kernersville Foundation with a check of $2200. The money was raised via a group she founded for "kidpreneurers" - this little girl was extremely impressive...Kim Herman you should be proud!
Enjoy your day!


Monday, September 25, 2017 updates?

Good Monday afternoon!  As you know, the internet has become a place where most people begin their move - from a home or to a home.  Because of that many resources are available to the buyer or seller, including, finding the most professional and experienced agents.

I've been in the business for years and have seen things change dramatically over time with the advancement of technologies.  While you cannot be all things to all people, we do want to work to stay relevant on the internet.  Because of this, we felt like it was important to update my profile.

I've chosen to do this as it's the most trusted resource and it's simple, efficient and enjoyable to use.  As well, it is licensed by the National Association of REALTORS, the country's most important real estate organization.

The internet has given small businesses a great opportunity to grow and expand and that is exactly what we are working on.  But more importantly, it will provide us an even greater way to serve our clients, which is what we do best.

But we need your help in order to do that.

Would you take a moment to go to and leave me a recommendation?  It simple, just go to - Find REALTORS - type in Brooke Cashion and go to ratings or recommendations.

We would most appreciate a positive one of course if you find that acceptable!  Thank you in advance.

Jake Cashion

Thursday, September 21, 2017

North Carolina Leading the Way...

After many years of a state tax system that did not work for the people of North Carolina, starting a few years ago, reforms were put into place that were designed to improve the economy and attract greater economic growth opportunities by simplifying and reducing rates.

While I was at the NC Chamber, I was fortunate to have been involved, in a small way, with the discussions by encouraging continued action and connecting some very smart tax experts at really strong companies statewide, both large and small businesses to those decision-makers.  It was a great experience.

North Carolina is leading the way nationwide.  Check out what US Senator Thom Tillis has to say about it.

Tax Reform Transformed North Carolina - Congress Take Note

Thanks - Jake Cashion

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Troops To Trades

There is a lot of discussion going on in this state and many others about students learning trades as an alternative to a traditional college degree. In a chance meeting at the Grove Park, Jake and I struck up a conversation with a gentleman from Minnesota who was telling us about a charitable organization that he started several years ago.  He had just come from a fundraiser in DC, where they raised over $250,000 for the organization Troops To Trades. 

As the NC Chamber tells us in Closing the Skills Gap  , "For communities across North Carolina, attracting, training and retaining workforce is a top concern. North Carolina’s job creators continue to face a significant disconnect between their talent needs and the real-life skillsets possessed by graduates. Both specific skill shortages and soft skill barriers are constant themes of the discussion. Even as unemployment numbers improve, employers across the state continue to struggle filling open positions with qualified talent.The Department of Commerce’s Labor and Economic Analysis Division recently released its 2016 Employer Needs Survey. After collecting 1,900 surveys, more than a third of businesses surveyed expressed difficulty in filling positions. Finding candidates with the right work experience, education and technical skills were the top reasons cited. Businesses in construction and manufacturing expressed the most difficulty. The survey also found that these difficulties were true in both urban and rural parts of the state."

This organization called Troops To Trades has a basic premise that connects work with veterans and puts them through training to work in trades such as HVAC, plumbing and other important skilled trades.  They organize the apprenticeships and help them to work the trade schools and their GI bill to supplement income while training and apprenticing, making it viable to actually live on the wage earned while learning.  The contacts in the organization are well-versed in assisting the veterans with placing them in trades that don’t conflict with a physical disability, help them with obtaining the certification, job placement and much more. 

These are folks/businesses dedicated to not only serving the veteran but also helping our economy while providing skilled laborers for jobs that are unable to be filled easily.  

I love when folks use their connections and resources to meet multiple needs. Check out the website and share with a veteran or a business-owner you know, who might like to be  a part of this organization!  Well done Troops To Trades!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Are you aware of this potential HUGE expense?

What could be hiding on your property that could potentially cost you $20,000?  In this short clip, Brooke explains what you should know.  As alway, feel free to call with questions.  #whywait

Monday, September 18, 2017

Do you as a seller need to....

As a seller, my home is under contract and scheduled to close, however, I no longer live in the area.  Do I need to come back to town to be at the closing?  Take a peek at the short clip for the answer!

Thanks - as always, happy to help!  

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Moana in the Park!

On Friday, September 15 from 6:00 - 9:00PM at Harmon Park in downtown Kernersville, the Kernersville Parks and Recreation will hold a FREE family event.  Bring your family, friends and chairs and enjoy the movie Moana under the stars.  The movie will begin at dusk so please plan to come and enjoy!  I'm a sponsor and there will be glow sticks for the kids.

More details can be found at:  Moana in the Park - Kernersville Parks and Rec

Hope you'll be able to make it!

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

"Moving at the Speed of Business"

One thing we often take for granted is the transportation network that allows us to go to and fro in our everyday lives.  It is easy to simply think it'll always be there.

My name is Jake Cashion (husband to Brooke) and I'm now a partner with Brooke Cashion and Associates.  I had an awesome experience over the past 6+ years with the NC Chamber.  I had the good fortune of working to get money into the transportation network of North Carolina  Thankfully,  because of the efforts of organizations like the NC Chamber, the Winston-Salem Chamber of Commerce and others, including the North Carolina General Assembly and NCDOT, there is a lot of work going on in the Triad - to the tune of $2 billion worth of projects.

We don't really think about moving freight and commerce as it relates to real estate.  But frankly, we don't move anything, including real estate without a strong transportation network.  Take a peek at a publication the NC Chamber put together called "Moving at the Speed of Business" may even recognize a name of someone who contributed to this!  I'd be interested in your thoughts as all of these infrastructure issues discussed impact real estate.

Read up on the projects that will impact you and your business...for example, against many people's belief, the Port of NC at Wilmington can now handle post-panamax size ships adding greater connectivity to Asia, Europe and the global economy.  North Carolina's and the Triad's economic growth opportunities are expanding because of efforts like this.  This is great news for real estate!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Hurricanes and flooding...

Here is a pretty good overview of what homeowners insurance will not cover if you are unfortunately
hit by a hurricane.  While this is a news story, I would simply check with my homeowners insurance company about what your actual policy says.  Always good to know and have the appropriate coverage!

What Homeowners Insurance Won't Cover if a Hurricane Hits - WSJ

New Report Shows Going FSBO Cost More Money

In this new report, these expert economist show that going-it-alone will cost you more money.  Check out this report. We'd be happy to discuss our experiences as well.

"Saving Real Estate Commissions at Any Price"

"Here we examine the price differentials for homes sold through traditional agents through the multiple listing service compared to “For-Sale-By-Owner” sales for a variety of geographic markets with data from 2016-2017.  In contrast to previous studies on this topic, we find that FSBOs tend to sell for lower prices than comparable home sales, and in many cases below the average differential represented by the prevailing commission rate...."